How I Met your Grandmother


Photo prompt courtesy Sue Vincent

After a long, leisurely lunch, I was eyeing the shade of a thick grove of trees, but my plan of stealing a siesta went for a toss as my grandkids immediately surrounded me.

“Grandpa,” said the eldest, “tell us a story.”

His younger brother butted in, “Not a story Grandpa, THE story!”

I pretended to be confused by this, and said, “Ohhh, the one about the trucker?”

“Nooooooooo,” came the collective groan from the brood.

I smiled indulgently, and said, “OK OK, by popular demand, I shall once again narrate the story of…How I Met Your Grandmother!”

They all gathered closely around me, for my voice was no longer as loud as it used to be, and I started off.

“The sun was out for the first time after a long and harsh winter, and so, I decided to go to the pool in the woods. It was a glorious day, and the trees seemed to be singing with pleasure. Butterflies flitted by here and there, and the only sound breaking the silence was the buzzing of some bees.

I arrived at the pool, and it was heavenly.

The clear pool was reflecting the dazzling sunlight like a mirror, and the surface of the pool was home to countless rainbows.

And to them.

Two girls, frolicking about in the pool, not caring whether anyone could see or hear them, as their laughter echoed through the woods. But I ignored them, for swimming next to them was the most gorgeous creature I’d ever seen.

Our eyes met, and it was like magic. I felt as if we’d not only met before, but had always been together. I’ve never known such strong animal attraction before, or since.

I slipped into the water, and started swimming strongly towards her. Within no time, I was next to her.

We were now so close that we could touch each other. We kept gazing into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity, and then…”

“Did you radish her, Grandpa?” my youngest grandson asked innocently.

The entire clearing was filled with peals of laughter, as my son answered, “Radish is a vegetable. I think you meant ravish, which means…”

“A fruit,” his wife stopped him mid-sentence, “And you need to spend less time with your cousins from across the Pond. Dad, please finish off quickly, they really need their sleep now, and so do you.”

I cleared my throat and resumed my tale.

“OK, so where were we? Aah yes, we kept gazing into each other’s eyes, and then….pounced upon the two girls together, and made a nice, juicy feast out of them. And then, we lived happily ever after.”

The kids nuzzled me and drifted off, while I started moving towards the shade, cleaning my teeth with the ‘Beware of Crocodiles’ sign that some interfering humans had tried to put up next to our pond.


Written in response to Sue Vincent’s #writephoto Prompt – Mirror.






About anuragbakhshi

At the age of 40, I decided to exit the corporate world, and enter the world of stories as a full-time writer. Wish me luck!
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16 Responses to How I Met your Grandmother

  1. Sue Vincent says:

    I like ‘radish’ πŸ˜€

  2. Invictus says:

    The twists are getting better…you certainly ‘radished’ the photo prompt…lol

  3. Nicely done! Didn’t see that ending coming. πŸ˜„

  4. nightlake says:

    surprise ending. well done

  5. Pingback: How I Met your Grandmother ~ Anurag Bakhshi #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  6. willowdot21 says:

    Great ending πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ˜œ

  7. Darlene says:

    This was an excellent piece of flash fiction. I loved the radish part.

  8. Leanne says:

    What a lovely story πŸ™‚

  9. colonialist says:

    Skilfully crafted! The ‘radish’ is fitting as having a certain bitter aftertaste!

  10. Pingback: Photo prompt round-up: Mirror #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

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